
Eastwood Securities Mortgage Fund is not a broker. We are the lender.

Commercial Lending

Eastwood Securities Mortgage Fund is a Specialist Private Lender:

As a Private Mortgage lender Eastwood Securities is not constrained by cumbersome processes like many other lenders. We are flexible in meeting the needs of our introducing brokers and their clients. We are able to provide a much quicker response and provide quick solutions to Borrower requirements than traditional lenders.

Commercial, Non Code loans can be provided on a Low Doc and No Doc basis. Interest can be capitalised and prepaid or paid monthly to suit borrower requirements.

Our flexibility allows us to issue NCCP regulated (Code) loans on a common-sense basis (Low Doc included) providing at all times that we are able to demonstrate that the loan is not “unsuitable” to the clients requirements.

There are no ongoing fees on our loans and we do not charge EXIT fees.

First Mortgage funding tailored to your needs. People previously referred to our style of funding as “solicitors funds”.

  • Loan terms from 6 months to 3 years
  • Interest only repayments (annual, 6 monthly or monthly interest payments)
  • Capitalised interest (prepayments for 3, 6, 9 or 12 months)
  • Loans up to $5m (minimum $100,000)
  • Interest rates from 9.95% per annum
  • Maximum of 70% Loan to Value Ratio (LVR) depending on the type and location of the security property.

A verbal approval can be given over the phone and an indicative Letter of Offer is issued within 24 hours. We guarantee a rapid and easy turnaround once all information required is provided by you. The accuracy of information and speed with which it is provided by you to Eastwood Securities will directly affect the time it takes to settle a loan.

Eastwood Securities is a “Specialist Lender” that understands that not all borrowers are the same, so we focus on providing loans to people who don’t tick all the usual boxes . We assess each borrower’s unique circumstances, rather than basing our decision on a credit score. That way we are able to offer you the best solution for your personal or business financial situation. At Eastwood Securities we specialise in difficult finance where recent poor credit history and loan arrears may be acceptable. We are a common sense lender.

Eastwood Securities Pty Ltd (ACN 143 030 540 and Australian Credit License No. 385 467) is the mortgage manager of the Eastwood Securities Mortgage Fund. We are a market leader in Private Mortgage products across Australia. Eastwood Securities provides borrowers both Code Loans (Consumer lending) and Non-Code Loans (Commercial lending).

Eastwood Securities?

  • Commercial loans
  • Consumer loans
  • Private mortgage funds available
  • Non-conforming loans
  • Flexible view to low credit scores
  • Unusual income streams considered
  • Loan arrears acceptable
  • No doc and low doc lending
  • No lenders mortgage insurance (No LMI)
  • No exit fees
  • Asset secured lending
  • Loans for business, investment and personal
  • Difficult loans provided
  • Annual interest capitalised or interest paid monthly
  • Common-sense lending
  • Fast approvals
  • Fast settlements
  • All real property considered as security

We offer a range of first mortgage loans, equity mortgages and structured debt facilities to suit your needs. An equity mortgage will suit clients with equity in their property. Eastwood Securities can provide loan structures to borrowers who have been refused by banks and other lenders or for borrowers who do not have time to satisfy the red tape process. Our products can be provided for business use or consumer use. For business use we are able to provide Low Doc and/or No Doc loan facilities. For consumer use there will be a need to demonstrate that the loan is suitable to the borrower’s circumstances.

Eastwood Securities is an excellent option for Borrowers who have been turned away by traditional lenders.

The various types of loans provided by Eastwood Securities include:

  • Bridging finance
  • Refinance
  • Consumer loans (Code loans)
  • Debt consolidation loans
  • Businesses under administration
  • Cash out
  • Commercial loans (Non-code loans)
  • Industrial loans
  • Investment loans
  • Loans for all property purchases
  • Business loans
  • Marital separation

The Eastwood Securities Mortgage Fund specialises in providing intermediate term loans and all loans provided are interest only. Intermediate term refers to typically six, twelve or twenty four months. Our intermediate term loans are often referred to as bridging finance, as they provide a borrower with funds for a period during which the borrower is able to complete a specific business task and either pay-out their loan or move on to an alternative source of funding.

Eastwood Securities lends to businesses and individuals Australia wide.

Poor Credit

Unlike other Mortgage Lenders who rely heavily on a credit scoring system, Eastwood Securities has the flexibility to take a more balanced view of a poor credit rating.

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  • Bridging Loans – Commercial
  • Bridging Loans – Personal
Read more.

Loans for
Distressed Businesses

Business lending can be difficult enough without the added pressure of having a poor business credit rating. At Eastwood Securities we acknowledge that the following situations can impact negatively on the day to day activities of your business leaving you with a poor credit rating…

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eastwood securities
mortgage fund