Benefits of

  • High rates of return between 8.0% per annum to 10.0% per annum (Actual result as at 23 May 2024)
  • The Funds average rate of return as at 23 May 2024 was 8.9% per annum
  • The investor retains control and decides which mortgage to invest in.
  • The investor decides the term of the mortgage.
  • Investment is secured by a registered mortgage with a conservative Loan to Value ratio (LVR) typically limited to 70% of valuation.
  • Disciplined lending criteria reduce the risk of capital losses.
  • No loans are made in relation to construction or development projects where a future value of the security is relied on.
  • As an investor, your contribution is not pooled and specific investment mortgage securities are held in the name of the investor.
  • To ensure complete and ongoing independence each of the Investment Manager and Responsible Entity is not a related party to any of the Borrowers.
  • Income is established for the term of the investment at either a fixed or variable income rate as highlighted in the Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement (SPDS).
  • No entry/exit fees or commissions are payable by the Investor (Early exit fees may be applicable, refer to section 13 of the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) dated 21 October 2022 for additional information).
  • Subject to their own constitutions and investment criteria Superannuation funds are able to invest in the Fund.
Investment Risks

Investment in a conforming mortgage investment through the Fund, whilst conservative, contains a number of risks. Before making an investment in the Fund as a potential investor you should consult section 10. of the Fund PDS dated 21 October 2022.

The Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for the Eastwood Securities Mortgage Fund is the first part of a two part disclosure process. If an investor is interested in a particular investment opportunity, they will subsequently be provided with a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement (SPDS) which will include information about the specific mortgage selected including the return to the investor. To make an investment, investors must receive both the PDS and the SPDS and complete the application forms attached to both.


This information refers to investments facilitated by the Eastwood Securities Mortgage Fund ARSN 146 451 792. Any person seeking to make an investment should review the Product Disclosure Statement and seek legal, financial and taxation advice. The manager of the Fund is Eastwood Securities Pty Ltd ACN 143 030 540, a Corporate Authorised Representative (number 386369) of MSC Advisory Pty Ltd (ACN 607 459 441, AFSL 480649). The Responsible Entity and Trustee of the fund is Melbourne Securities Corporation Ltd ACN 160 326 545 AFSL 428289.
This website contains general information only and does not take into account any person’s objectives, financial situation or needs and accordingly does not constitute personal advice for the purposes of section 766B(3) of the Corporations Act 2001. For detailed information about the Fund, refer to the Fund Product Disclosure Statement available as a downloadable pdf from this website.
None of the Fund Manager, the Trustee, MSC Advisory or any of their officers, advisers, agents or associates guarantees in any way the performance of the Fund. The content of this website is current at the time of publication and may be amended or revoked by the Fund Manager at any time.
This product is not a bank deposit nor is it a pooled mortgage fund. An investment may achieve a lower than expected return and investors risk losing some or all of their principal investment. Past performance is no indication of future performance and actual returns will be particular to individual investments as described in transaction specific Supplementary Product Disclosure Statements.